//custom jquery method for toggle attr $.fn.toggleAttr = function (attr, attr1, attr2) { return this.each(function () { var self = $(this); if (self.attr(attr) == attr1) self.attr(attr, attr2); else self.attr(attr, attr1); }); }; (function ($) { // USE STRICT "use strict"; AIZ.data = { csrf: $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr("content"), appUrl: $('meta[name="app-url"]').attr("content"), fileBaseUrl: $('meta[name="file-base-url"]').attr("content"), }; AIZ.uploader = { data: { selectedFiles: [], selectedFilesObject: [], clickedForDelete: null, allFiles: [], multiple: false, type: "all", next_page_url: null, prev_page_url: null, }, removeInputValue: function (id, array, elem) { var selected = array.filter(function (item) { return item !== id; }); if (selected.length > 0) { $(elem) .find(".file-amount") .html(AIZ.uploader.updateFileHtml(selected)); } else { elem.find(".file-amount").html(AIZ.local.choose_file); } $(elem).find(".selected-files").val(selected); }, removeAttachment: function () { $(document).on("click", ".remove-attachment", function () { var value = $(this).closest(".file-preview-item").data("id"); var selected = $(this) .closest(".file-preview") .prev('[data-toggle="aizuploader"]') .find(".selected-files") .val() .split(",") .map(Number); AIZ.uploader.removeInputValue( value, selected, $(this) .closest(".file-preview") .prev('[data-toggle="aizuploader"]') ); $(this).closest(".file-preview-item").remove(); }); }, deleteUploaderFile: function () { $(".aiz-uploader-delete").each(function () { $(this).on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).data("id"); AIZ.uploader.data.clickedForDelete = id; $("#aizUploaderDelete").modal("show"); $(".aiz-uploader-confirmed-delete").on( "click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.detail === 1) { var clickedForDeleteObject = AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[ AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.findIndex( (x) => x.id === AIZ.uploader.data .clickedForDelete ) ]; $.ajax({ url: AIZ.data.appUrl + "/aiz-uploader/destroy/" + AIZ.uploader.data.clickedForDelete, type: "DELETE", dataType: "JSON", data: { id: AIZ.uploader.data.clickedForDelete, _method: "DELETE", _token: AIZ.data.csrf, }, success: function () { AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles = AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles.filter( function (item) { return ( item !== AIZ.uploader.data .clickedForDelete ); } ); AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFilesObject = AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFilesObject.filter( function (item) { return ( item !== clickedForDeleteObject ); } ); AIZ.uploader.updateUploaderSelected(); AIZ.uploader.getAllUploads( AIZ.data.appUrl + "/aiz-uploader/get-uploaded-files" ); AIZ.uploader.data.clickedForDelete = null; $("#aizUploaderDelete").modal("hide"); }, }); } } ); }); }); }, uploadSelect: function () { $(".aiz-uploader-select").each(function () { var elem = $(this); elem.on("click", function (e) { var value = $(this).data("value"); var valueObject = AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[ AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.findIndex( (x) => x.id === value ) ]; // console.log(valueObject); elem.closest(".aiz-file-box-wrap").toggleAttr( "data-selected", "true", "false" ); if (!AIZ.uploader.data.multiple) { elem.closest(".aiz-file-box-wrap") .siblings() .attr("data-selected", "false"); } if (!AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles.includes(value)) { if (!AIZ.uploader.data.multiple) { AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles = []; AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFilesObject = []; } AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles.push(value); AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFilesObject.push(valueObject); } else { AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles = AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles.filter(function ( item ) { return item !== value; }); AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFilesObject = AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFilesObject.filter( function (item) { return item !== valueObject; } ); } AIZ.uploader.addSelectedValue(); AIZ.uploader.updateUploaderSelected(); }); }); }, updateFileHtml: function (array) { var fileText = ""; if (array.length > 1) { var fileText = AIZ.local.files_selected; } else { var fileText = AIZ.local.file_selected; } return array.length + " " + fileText; }, updateUploaderSelected: function () { $(".aiz-uploader-selected").html( AIZ.uploader.updateFileHtml(AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles) ); }, clearUploaderSelected: function () { $(".aiz-uploader-selected-clear").on("click", function () { AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles = []; AIZ.uploader.addSelectedValue(); AIZ.uploader.addHiddenValue(); AIZ.uploader.resetFilter(); AIZ.uploader.updateUploaderSelected(); AIZ.uploader.updateUploaderFiles(); }); }, resetFilter: function () { $('[name="aiz-uploader-search"]').val(""); $('[name="aiz-show-selected"]').prop("checked", false); $('[name="aiz-uploader-sort"] option[value=newest]').prop( "selected", true ); }, getAllUploads: function (url, search_key = null, sort_key = null) { $(".aiz-uploader-all").html( '
' ); var params = {}; if (search_key != null && search_key.length > 0) { params["search"] = search_key; } if (sort_key != null && sort_key.length > 0) { params["sort"] = sort_key; } else { params["sort"] = "newest"; } $.get(url, params, function (data, status) { //console.log(data); if (typeof data == "string") { data = JSON.parse(data); } AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles = data.data; AIZ.uploader.allowedFileType(); AIZ.uploader.addSelectedValue(); AIZ.uploader.addHiddenValue(); //AIZ.uploader.resetFilter(); AIZ.uploader.updateUploaderFiles(); if (data.next_page_url != null) { AIZ.uploader.data.next_page_url = data.next_page_url; $("#uploader_next_btn").removeAttr("disabled"); } else { $("#uploader_next_btn").attr("disabled", true); } if (data.prev_page_url != null) { AIZ.uploader.data.prev_page_url = data.prev_page_url; $("#uploader_prev_btn").removeAttr("disabled"); } else { $("#uploader_prev_btn").attr("disabled", true); } }); }, showSelectedFiles: function () { $('[name="aiz-show-selected"]').on("change", function () { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { // for ( // var i = 0; // i < AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.length; // i++ // ) { // if (AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[i].selected) { // AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[ // i // ].aria_hidden = false; // } else { // AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[ // i // ].aria_hidden = true; // } // } AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles = AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFilesObject; } else { // for ( // var i = 0; // i < AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.length; // i++ // ) { // AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[ // i // ].aria_hidden = false; // } AIZ.uploader.getAllUploads( AIZ.data.appUrl + "/aiz-uploader/get-uploaded-files" ); } AIZ.uploader.updateUploaderFiles(); }); }, searchUploaderFiles: function () { $('[name="aiz-uploader-search"]').on("keyup", function () { var value = $(this).val(); AIZ.uploader.getAllUploads( AIZ.data.appUrl + "/aiz-uploader/get-uploaded-files", value, $('[name="aiz-uploader-sort"]').val() ); // if (AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.length > 0) { // for ( // var i = 0; // i < AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.length; // i++ // ) { // if ( // AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[ // i // ].file_original_name // .toUpperCase() // .indexOf(value) > -1 // ) { // AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[ // i // ].aria_hidden = false; // } else { // AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[ // i // ].aria_hidden = true; // } // } // } //AIZ.uploader.updateUploaderFiles(); }); }, sortUploaderFiles: function () { $('[name="aiz-uploader-sort"]').on("change", function () { var value = $(this).val(); AIZ.uploader.getAllUploads( AIZ.data.appUrl + "/aiz-uploader/get-uploaded-files", $('[name="aiz-uploader-search"]').val(), value ); // if (value === "oldest") { // AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles = AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.sort( // function(a, b) { // return ( // new Date(a.created_at) - new Date(b.created_at) // ); // } // ); // } else if (value === "smallest") { // AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles = AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.sort( // function(a, b) { // return a.file_size - b.file_size; // } // ); // } else if (value === "largest") { // AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles = AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.sort( // function(a, b) { // return b.file_size - a.file_size; // } // ); // } else { // AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles = AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.sort( // function(a, b) { // a = new Date(a.created_at); // b = new Date(b.created_at); // return a > b ? -1 : a < b ? 1 : 0; // } // ); // } //AIZ.uploader.updateUploaderFiles(); }); }, addSelectedValue: function () { for (var i = 0; i < AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.length; i++) { if ( !AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles.includes( AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[i].id ) ) { AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[i].selected = false; } else { AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[i].selected = true; } } }, addHiddenValue: function () { for (var i = 0; i < AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.length; i++) { AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[i].aria_hidden = false; } }, allowedFileType: function () { if (AIZ.uploader.data.type !== "all") { let type = AIZ.uploader.data.type.split(","); AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles = AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.filter( function (item) { return type.includes(item.type); } ); } }, updateUploaderFiles: function () { $(".aiz-uploader-all").html( '
' ); var data = AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles; setTimeout(function () { $(".aiz-uploader-all").html(null); if (data.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var thumb = ""; var hidden = ""; if (data[i].type === "image") { thumb = ''; } else { thumb = ''; } var html = '
' + '
' + // '" + '
' + '
' + thumb + "
" + '
' + '
' + '' + data[i].file_original_name + "" + '.' + data[i].extension + "" + "
" + "

" + AIZ.extra.bytesToSize(data[i].file_size) + "

" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
"; $(".aiz-uploader-all").append(html); } } else { $(".aiz-uploader-all").html( '' ); } AIZ.uploader.uploadSelect(); AIZ.uploader.deleteUploaderFile(); }, 300); }, inputSelectPreviewGenerate: function (elem) { elem.find(".selected-files").val(AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles); elem.next(".file-preview").html(null); if (AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles.length > 0) { $.post( AIZ.data.appUrl + "/aiz-uploader/get_file_by_ids", { _token: AIZ.data.csrf, ids: AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles.toString(), }, function (data) { elem.next(".file-preview").html(null); if (data.length > 0) { elem.find(".file-amount").html( AIZ.uploader.updateFileHtml(data) ); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var thumb = ""; if (data[i].type === "image") { thumb = ''; } else { thumb = ''; } var html = '
' + '
' + thumb + "
" + '
' + '
' + '' + data[i].file_original_name + "" + '.' + data[i].extension + "" + "
" + "

" + AIZ.extra.bytesToSize(data[i].file_size) + "

" + "
" + '
' + '" + "
" + "
"; elem.next(".file-preview").append(html); } } else { elem.find(".file-amount").html( AIZ.local.choose_file ); } } ); } else { elem.find(".file-amount").html(AIZ.local.choose_file); } // if (AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles.length > 0) { // elem.find(".file-amount").html( // AIZ.uploader.updateFileHtml(AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles) // ); // for ( // var i = 0; // i < AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles.length; // i++ // ) { // var index = AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.findIndex( // (x) => x.id === AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles[i] // ); // var thumb = ""; // if (AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[index].type == "image") { // thumb = // ''; // } else { // thumb = ''; // } // var html = // '
' + // '
' + // thumb + // "
" + // '
' + // '
' + // '' + // AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[index].file_original_name + // "" + // '.' + // AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[index].extension + // "" + // "
" + // "

" + // AIZ.extra.bytesToSize( // AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[index].file_size // ) + // "

" + // "
" + // '
' + // '" + // "
" + // "
"; // elem.next(".file-preview").append(html); // } // } else { // elem.find(".file-amount").html("Choose File"); // } }, editorImageGenerate: function (elem) { if (AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles.length > 0) { for ( var i = 0; i < AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles.length; i++ ) { var index = AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles.findIndex( (x) => x.id === AIZ.uploader.data.selectedFiles[i] ); var thumb = ""; if (AIZ.uploader.data.allFiles[index].type === "image") { thumb = ''; elem[0].insertHTML(thumb); // console.log(elem); } } } }, dismissUploader: function () { $("#aizUploaderModal").on("hidden.bs.modal", function () { $(".aiz-uploader-backdrop").remove(); $("#aizUploaderModal").remove(); }); }, trigger: function ( elem = null, from = "", type = "all", selectd = "", multiple = false, callback = null ) { // $("body").append('
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' + '
' + thumb + "
" + '
' + '
' + '' + data[i].file_original_name + "" + '.' + data[i].extension + "" + "
" + "

" + AIZ.extra.bytesToSize( data[i].file_size ) + "

" + "
" + '
' + '" + "
" + "
"; $this.next(".file-preview").append(html); } } else { $this .find(".file-amount") .html(AIZ.local.choose_file); } } ); } }); }, }; AIZ.plugins = { metismenu: function () { $('[data-toggle="aiz-side-menu"]').metisMenu(); }, bootstrapSelect: function (refresh = "") { $(".aiz-selectpicker").each(function (el) { var $this = $(this); if (!$this.parent().hasClass("bootstrap-select")) { var selected = $this.data("selected"); if (typeof selected !== "undefined") { $this.val(selected); } $this.selectpicker({ size: 5, noneSelectedText: AIZ.local.nothing_selected, virtualScroll: false, }); } if (refresh === "refresh") { $this.selectpicker("refresh"); } if (refresh === "destroy") { $this.selectpicker("destroy"); } }); }, tagify: function () { $(".aiz-tag-input") .not(".tagify") .each(function () { var $this = $(this); var maxTags = $this.data("max-tags"); var whitelist = $this.data("whitelist"); var onchange = $this.data("on-change"); maxTags = !maxTags ? Infinity : maxTags; whitelist = !whitelist ? [] : whitelist; $this.tagify({ maxTags: maxTags, whitelist: whitelist, dropdown: { enabled: 1, }, }); try { callback = eval(onchange); } catch (e) { var callback = ""; } if (typeof callback == "function") { $this.on("removeTag", function () { callback(); }); $this.on("add", function () { callback(); }); } }); }, textEditor: function () { $(".aiz-text-editor").each(function (el) { var $this = $(this); var buttons = $this.data("buttons"); var minHeight = $this.data("min-height"); var placeholder = $this.attr("placeholder"); var format = $this.data("format"); buttons = !buttons ? [ ["font", ["bold", "underline", "italic", "clear"]], ["para", ["ul", "ol", "paragraph"]], ["style", ["style"]], ["color", ["color"]], ["table", ["table"]], ["insert", ["link", "picture", "video"]], ["view", ["fullscreen", "undo", "redo"]], ] : buttons; placeholder = !placeholder ? "" : placeholder; minHeight = !minHeight ? 200 : minHeight; format = typeof format == "undefined" ? false : format; $this.summernote({ toolbar: buttons, placeholder: placeholder, disableDragAndDrop: true, height: minHeight, callbacks: { onImageUpload: function (data) { data.pop(); }, onPaste: function (e) { if (format) { var bufferText = ( (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData || window.clipboardData ).getData("Text"); e.preventDefault(); document.execCommand( "insertText", false, bufferText ); } }, }, }); var nativeHtmlBuilderFunc = $this.summernote( "module", "videoDialog" ).createVideoNode; $this.summernote("module", "videoDialog").createVideoNode = function (url) { var wrap = $( '
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